Wooden Brain Concepts

Agitprop marketing for our sensuous times™

These applications are no longer in active development and are unsupported. They have not been tested in quite some time.

However they may be of use or interest still, so they are made available here.

click the title to download

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The Graveyard: Legacy Applications

Transfer EndNote citations to a Palm Pilot using JFile or FileMaker Mobile and FileMaker Pro. Although EndNote has long since provided a Palm conduit, PocketCites is still more flexible and complete. Here is the PocketCites for Mac documentation.
PocketCites for Windows converts between EndNote files and JFile databases. It was developed in partnership with ninelocks, which maintains this legacy page for PocketCites Windows. Here is the PocketCites for Windows documentation.
A GUI shell for a number of scripts that WBC and others have written for iTunes. Built in AppleScript Studio, Moa Tunes works in tight integration with iTunes to provide many features.
Uses your built-in modem as a speaker phone to listen to the line while on hold. Picks up the line and hangs it up with a simple toggle button. Hold On never worked reliably on all systems, so development was abandoned.
Or Yes, Actually Slide Sets! There are a billion slide show applicaitons out there, but none that we knew of would treat subfolders of images as discrete sets. YASS will randomly shuffle sets, and then display the images in sequential order. Development of YASS was abandoned early because we found another application that handles sets called Slide Show Bob.